10 Women’s Magazines and Publications That Pay Freelance Writers

For decades, women’s magazines have been a great opportunity for both new and experienced freelance writers to showcase their talent. You are not just able to reach a wider audience and get a great clipping for your portfolio, but most importantly, you get paid to write.

Not to mention, seeing your byline is an incredible experience in itself. There are many online publications and magazines dedicated to women that readily accept guest post pitches from freelance writers and pay them well.


Here are the top women’s magazines and publications that pay freelance writers:

1- Marie Claire

What they pay: $2 per word

Marie Claire is always looking for fashion and beauty submissions, or personal essays that are intimate, funny, relatable, and just borderline awkward. Go through their submission guidelines and recently published articles to get a clear idea of their expectations before you send your pitches.

2- Brides

What they pay: $2-$3 per word

Brides magazine accepts articles about wedding planning, tips, and ideas. You can pitch stories about relationships, wedding etiquette, or even your own wedding. You can read through their submission guidelines to pitch your articles.

3- Bitch Media

What they pay: Around $500 for feature articles, $200 for dispatches, and $50 for everything else

Bitch publishes thoughtful feminist articles in response to pop culture and mainstream media. They only approve non-fiction articles and you can read their submission guidelines before emailing your pitch.

4- Ms Magazine

What they pay: Rates are negotiable

Founded by iconic feminists Gloria Steinem and Dorothy Hughes, Ms Magazine accepts articles about pop culture, politics, social commentary, education, law, and the environment. You can read their submission guidelines to get a better idea about their expectations.

5- Bustle

What they pay: Rates are negotiable

A popular online publication, Bustle accepts pieces about feminism, motherhood, politics, fashion, entertainment, books, and everything else in between. Read their submission guidelines for more information,

6- Sasee

What they pay: Rates are negotiable

Sasee is always looking for first-person and non-fiction articles that are for women or about women. Your pitches can be satire, humour, personal experiences, or features on topics similar to what the website publishes. You can go through their submission guidelines before pitching.

7- skirt!

What they pay: $200 per article

The publication accepts personal essays that are about women and their interests. Usually the essays can be about 800-1100 words and they should fit the monthly theme of the publication. You can get more information by going through their submission guidelines.

8- WOW (Women on Writing)

What they pay: $50-75 per article

WOW publishes articles about writing including how-tos and tips about writing, editing, and acquiring publishers. They are always looking for talented female freelance writers to share their experiences with the readers. You can go through their submission guidelines here.

9- Good Housekeeping

What they pay: $1.5 per word

One of the oldest women’s magazines, Good Housekeeping publishes articles about home, interior design, health, and beauty. Before you pitch, make sure to go through their submission guidelines.

10- Eating Well

What they pay: $1 per word

Eating Well is all about healthy eating and they readily accept articles about that. Make sure you go through the published articles on the website and their submission guidelines.

Have you pitched to any women’s magazines or publications that readily pay freelance writers? Let me know so I can add them to the list!


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