People often ask me if I get bored all day, since I work from home as a freelance content writer. But, to be honest, I don’t. I am actually really grateful for the life that I have.

As an introvert, I realised that I am actually more productive when I am working on my own. Of course, I do have a lot of phone calls and emails throughout the day, but I keep face to face meetings to the bare minimum–only when it is absolutely necessary.  

In the last four years of freelancing full-time, I have worked from home, cafes, beaches, trains, buses, cars, other people’s homes, and basically every possible place where I could steadily use my laptop. My schedule has also gone through huge changes. While there was a time, when I used to wake up at 12pm and work until 4am, now I have become more of a morning person.

I am not necessarily a morning or night person, I just pick and choose a timing where I can find the most peace and quiet, depending on where I am.

So, here’s a day in the life of an introverted freelance content writer:

8am-9am ish

I wake up and have an hour long breakfast. The start of the morning is very important to me because it sets the mood for the rest of the day. That is why, I take my time to get up and make breakfast. I make sure to not schedule any meetings this early so that I don’t have to rush.

If you are a freelance writer like and you mostly work from home, I definitely recommending having longer and quieter mornings to yourself before you start your work. It helps you focus better and feel more relaxed

In case I do have any early morning article submissions, I try to finish them a day before. Or I at least try to write the article a day before and then quickly edit and it them over in the morning.  

9am -1pm

With my favourite breakfast in my stomach, this is the time I am my most productive self. Since I am at peak efficiency at this time, I try to schedule the most time consuming and challenging tasks during these four hours, and that mostly includes content writing writing.

The first 30 minutes are spent to quickly scan my content writing calendar. I use Trello to track all of my projects. My Trello board gives me a quick overview of everything in one glance so that I have a clear idea about where I am at.People often ask me if I get bored all day, since I work from home as a freelance content writer. But, to be honest, I don’t. I am actually really grateful for the life that I have.

Then, I use Dropbox Paper to list down all of the tasks for the day. Since I use a single document to note down tasks for all the days, it is easy for me to go back and forth to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Once I have all the tasks, I divide them into ‘big tasks’ and ‘small tasks.’

  • Big tasks are the ones that would take me more than half hour to finish like creating a content strategy, article writing, researching, and editing
  • Small tasks usually take me a few minutes to finish like sending some information over email or sharing a contract

People often ask me if I get bored all day, since I work from home as a freelance content writer. But, to be honest, I don’t. I am actually really grateful for the life that I have.

Diving the tasks gives me a better perspective of how much time it would take me to finish everything. It also helps me to quickly start a task according to the time that I have.

1pm – 3pm

I take a two hour break to make and have my lunch. I am usually done eating by the first hour, but I use the second hour to watch a show or read a book just to freshen myself a bit because I cannot go back to work right after having lunch.

Living alone means there is no one to keep you in check if you suddenly start feeling lazy. So, I make sure to set a 3pm alarm on my phone in case I get too engrossed in a book or a TV show.

3pm to 7pm

After my lunch break, I start editing the articles that I wrote in the morning and making changes to them. I also mostly schedule client calls between 3pm-4pm to get out of my post-lunch funk. As a freelance content writer, it’s important to automate things since nobody will pick up your slack. I use Calendly to schedule all my client meetings which ensures I have no clashes and the meetings are set according to my availability.

People often ask me if I get bored all day, since I work from home as a freelance content writer. But, to be honest, I don’t. I am actually really grateful for the life that I have.

When I am talking to clients, I make sure to jot down notes about the freelance writing projects and if there is something I need to do after the call.

In the 4-5.30pm time slot, I write as much as I can, or at least as far as I can go. This is the time I use to write articles that aren’t on priority. It gives me the freedom to write absolutely pathetic first drafts, knowing that I will have enough time to rewrite and edit them.

In the last one hour, I take up tasks that don’t require creative energy, like

  • Preparing contracts and invoices
  • Researching for the articles that I need to write next day
  • Checking up on my emails
  • Managing this website and my social media
  • Organizing my personal calendar
  • Noting down tasks that need to be done the next day


How do you spend your day as a freelance content writer?  


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